Testimonial from Scholarship Winner
Tailwinds of Hope – Zachary Capra Memorial Foundation
Scholarship Impact Testimony
Loss is an extreme emotion which holds gravity and deep meaning. The grief which
results from a loss is even more powerful. At times it can feel like drowning, like being.
swallowed all at once without a moment of relief. The loss of Zachary Capra was what can only.
be described as tremendous. Though I never knew him personally, I’d like to think I did. His
family, who despite their grief, found light in the dark, and used Zachary’s name as a means for
good. A mission, which I am proud to be considered a part of.
For two years, I have volunteered my time and energy to the Capra family and for the
sake of their numerous charitable events, including the annual golf tournament, hosted each.
August. During which time, I have not only grown to know this amazing family – young and old.
– but have also come to know the glorious legacy which stands long after Zachary has passed on.
Though their grief is heavy in their hearts, they have found a way to push through and carry on. I
commend them for their courage and dedication in establishing the Zachary Capra Memorial
The organization, which generously funds numerous academic scholarships within the
Denver Metro area has been a key steppingstone in my own professional career. With the
support from the Capra family, I was awarded the 2022 Adams 12 Collegiate Scholarship, and
have since completed my first year at the University of Arizona. At the university, I completed.
numerous high-level courses focusing on my major, Management Information Systems, while.
also exploring my interests through general education. Additionally, since completing my first
year, I was given the opportunity to pursue professional career options in Phoenix, Arizona.
Though I cannot attend this year’s golf tournament in-person, I send my regards, respect, and
faith in the organization’s mission. I will continue to look forward, always with Zachary’s life in
mind. Thank you to the Capra family for their continued personal support.
With Regards,
Lily Maves
University of Arizona Student
2022 Scholarship Recipient